• Category Archives history
  • whispering

    small ways inside me
    might whisper about good and bad times
    about sickness and health
    about silence and in a soft voice
    about whispering and shouting
    about silence and noise
    but above all it teaches me
    that wounds that are too deep
    don’t heal and you keep
    inside your veins
    surely runs the pain
    only a small voice inside
    your brain takes over the pain
    so you can live everyday
    knowing that the pain is being
    taking over by a whisper
    inside your brain whispers
    and it let’s me know
    when the time is so
    just so

  • crosslights

    burn from shadows on the wall
    once was rules above all others
    but everything has to die
    to keep the soul alive
    only a shadow contains the truth
    of a past that once was a ruler
    but is now only the silence ruler
    and has a high place to field
    so forgive me

  • through my eyes

    through my eyes I see you
    every day you stay
    in your corner
    every day
    through the years
    I see you smile
    I see you cry
    I laugh at your jokes
    every time
    a year older you’ve become
    the shop is your future
    and it is your past
    untill you fade away
    it will stay
    through your glory
    through your fate
    so don’t forget your past
    until the last
    do your best
    your quest

  • mothers

    our mothers run through our veins
    we see them every day
    if and if the past away
    we see them through our veins
    like a picture inside our brain
    we cry every day because the emptiness
    that our hearts contain when they pass away
    even love can’t break like a brick falls inside my heart
    that never falls apart
    I write this down because I know I can’t let go
    when I look at my hands and see that she is still
    inside of me, so please love me for eternity

  • dagen laten

    dagen laten soms alleen
    soms verlaten, ook al heeft
    niemand dat in de gaten
    altijd heel stil en sprekend
    tegelijk stil met een reden
    een spreken om het feit
    dat niemand nooit alleen wil zijn
    soms om van te houden
    soms om er gewoon maar te zijn
    voor mij
    allesbepalend maar wel heel klein
    als er iemand bij je wil zijn
    tot in de eeuwigheid
    lijkt het een streven naar een beter leven
    xx voor even